Sunday, March 1, 2009

Focusing on our family... in the ER

Wow. What a day we had yesterday.
Today... I am slap worn out.

I had been looking forward to it for a couple months. Matt and I had tickets to the Focus on Your Marriage Simulcast. If you got to go I am so jealous....... oh, I could cry!!!

Early Saturday morning, at 5am, Caleb woke up crying. He was burning up with a fever and complaining of stomach pain. (If you don't know about Caleb's current health concerns, click here). Sooooo, at the prompting of his pediatric surgeon, off to the Children's Hospital we went.

I will spare you the details, but after a VERY VERY long day in the ER, and after some testing, it was determined that Caleb is fine!! Praise God! He likely has the tummy bug. Thank you to all of you who have prayed for our little guy.

But, I cannot help but wonder about the timing.... and I think that creepy old nasty satan should know that, instead, Matt and I had a wonderful date at church this morning, worshipping Jesus. So there.

Caleb was so brave. I hope these photos of this brave little guy bless your day.
Can you see his tear-stained cheek?:
trying to nap:
still smiling:

Watching a little golf in the ER:

precious and pitiful little guy:

16 friends had a thing or two to say...:

He & Me + 3 said...

Glad he is gonna be ok. What a brave boy. He is just precious!

Unknown said...

Oh boy. Glad he is fine.

Unknown said...

Thanking God he is OK!

Sorry you missed the Focus on the Family marriage conference. Trusting that God will return your love for each other 100 fold even without the conference!!!!

Hugs and love,

Room to Think said...

the poor little sweetheart, he's so good with everything that has been happening. can't be easy on you and the hub though. my prayers are with you.

Flamingo said...

poor lil' glad he is ok!!

Holly said...

oh my goodness...that video is soo cute! that just broke my heart. how come i can't be that sweet and brave when i am scared and hurting?

Jenny said...

I'm so glad that he is okay! How scary that must have been for him!!

Laura said...

Bless your heart, Darlene. I'm so thankful that it wasn't anything serious. The poor little guy has been through enough lately. He's so blessed to have a mommy and daddy like his to take such good care.

Liz Harrell said...

Bless your hearts! I'm glad he was ok, ER's are my least favorite places to visit!

LisaShaw said...

Sweetie, I'm so sorry that Caleb and your family went through all of that. I will pray for Caleb and I will read his story since I'm one of the new ones in your life but know that GOD IS IN CHARGE!!

I'm glad you and hubby had time together on Sunday and I'm praising God that Caleb is ok.

Love you.

Jessica said...

Bless his little heart!!!!! Those tears make me want to give him a big hug!

Yes, making the changers any bigger would make it bulky. They really do work well and you can always lay the kiddo vetically.

Unknown said...

Darlene, you poor thing...and poor Caleb. :( That's the last think you wanted to deal with huh? Once a child had been to the hospital, they don't want to go back. I've experienced that with a couple children. Well, he was brave (and absolutely adorable!).

I'm glad that he's okay.

Brandie said...

Oh my goodness, poor baby! You are right God is soo good. There are so many other families whose stories didn't end so well. Definitelt time to give God the glory. Caleb will be in my prayers anyway, to keep him healthy and well:)

Tessa said...

The ER is absolutely no fun! I am so sorry that you had to spend your day there ... and so glad that Caleb is okay!

CarJax said...

Oh Sweet One, I just came over and checked your blog for the first time in a few days. I'm so sorry that precious Caleb was hurting. I hope he is all better now! And God will bless your marriage in other ways, like praising Jesus together on Sunday! You just mind that Satan! We've read ahead and God (and His purposes and people) wins! Hugs 2 U all, Jax

Anonymous said...

Poor little guy!

When I say the first part I thought... OH NO!!!! I am so glad he is okay.

I am sure your Mama's heart was terrified. Nothing is worse than having one of your babies sick.

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