Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Now you know.

I have been tagged by Sassy, and the idea is to share 7 True Confessions/stuff you might not know about me. So here goes.....

some unknown stuff.
some juicy-ish stuff.
some dorky stuff.
all moi.

1. I eat chocolate every single day. I would give up a meal before giving up chocolate. not good.

2. I was born and raised in New Jersey, and I like to use this for an excuse as to why I still use beefy curse words at certain 'appropriate' incidences.......
what? true confession.

3. I love my bed. Don't try to get me out of it. You will get injured.

4. I like to pretend that I am Scarlett O'Hara. no one else seems to play along, though.

5. I memorize bible verses by using children's scripture songs. Or by making up my own song. this is very cheesy. trust me. but, I am telling you... it works!

6. I have a Masters of Music degree in Opera Theatre Performance. did you know that?

a pic of me and Caroline, during a production of the opera "Carmen": Here I am as Lily in "The Secret Garden":

7. However, right now, I have a song from a Praise Baby DVD in my head right now....

I tag anyone who wants to do this!! I would love to know more about you!! Let me know!

16 friends had a thing or two to say...:

Flamingo said...

here here to chocolate!!

Christine said...

Oh I am with you on the chocolate! Laughing at loving your bed...and someone will get injured if the try and remove ya! # 6 didn't surprise me...you seem very creative. Fun list. Hope you have a wonderful day! Hugs

Angela said...

I have a girlfriend who lives in Middlesex New Jersey. We have been through New Jersey many times...Thanks for sharing. Now I know you a little more..I blame the curse words on being an Italian,,LOL....

MaryAnne said...

I eat chocolate every day too! And I have a Bachelors in vocal performance - don't know that I would have made it into a MFA program, though...

He & Me + 3 said...

That was very cool, I didn't know any of those things so I learned so much!

Anonymous said...

Wow.... the first 3 are SO ME!!!

CarJax said...

Great list Darlene. I connect with a lot on your list! I've sung at weddings, funerals and other events but I'm no opera star like you!!! Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Jax

P.S. And thanks for joining the fun over on my blog. Maybe you'll win! :O)

Becky said...

LOL, I am eating chocolate right now. I love my bed too... don't get to stay there much though :-(

Great list!

:-0 you curse!? lol.

Jenny said...

What a great list! I too am addicted to chocolate!!!

It sounds like you have quite the voice! Oh how I wish I could sing!!

Tessa said...

Loving chocolate and my bed too. I am very intrigued that you are a trained opera singer ... I would love to hear more about that!

michele said...

I love a Hershey bar with almonds, Cadbury Easter Cream Eggs... I am even developing a taste for dark chocolate. You are one talented lady and I love your blog.

Joanne@ Blessed... said...

I discovered you through Lisa Shaw...

You are so right about the scripture memorization to kids songs. That is just how I learned the fruit of the spirit. Actually, just one time in our car and all four of my children learned it too.

What a blessing you site is. Your family is beautiful.

Room to Think said...

i second the bed one. and you can eat chocolate and have two babies and go out for donuts and be so slim and gorgeous? i hate you. lol...loved the opera photos :P hee

Unknown said...

Now that was fun! I love reading things just like this. I feel like I know you a little better. :)

Mom in High Heels said...

WOW! M studied opera performance in college (undergrad). I don't have to drag him to the Opera or the theatre (my undergrad degree is in theatrical degsign and English). Carmen is my favorite opera. I've seen it many times. You look fab in the photo.
And chocolate....mmmmmmmm. I have dark chocolate every day.
Oh, and bed! I love bed! We have a king Temperpedic mattress that we saved for. So. Worth. The. Money. It's heavenly.

Unknown said...

6.Wow. I didn't know you were that COOL!
You do like a theater actress or an opera singer. You are not only beautiful, but you have this glow that is inevitable on stage.

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