Thursday, February 12, 2009

Our mailable Valentine's cards

So, I'm a little late on the draw, but we finally got our Valentine cards out in the mail to the Grandparents and Aunts!

While I would never admit to being thrifty (yes. I admit it. there are not too many thrifty bones in my body. hope you still love me?), I am rather tickled that I got to reuse my scrapbooking kit twice - once for the candy bars project, and then for this project! Borderline Thrifty.

The joys of Digi Scrapbooking continue.........

5 friends had a thing or two to say...:

Unknown said...

I need to take time to do more things like this. I used to be better about that. The cards are totally cute. :)

Unknown said...

Ok, you can covet my mudroom if I can covet your time to make such pretty things for others LOL!

Gosh you are so talented! Beauty from the inside out!

So glad we met!
Love you,

Mindy said...

I am thoroughly impressed. What sweet Valentines!

Unknown said...

how stinkin' are so creative!

He & Me + 3 said...

Those are adorable. How long did it take to make them?

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