Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Busy, busy, busy.

Miss you, friends. Mean it.

I shall return. Promise.

AAAAAAAGH. In-laws coming. Pre-school homeroom mom deadlines. Half of Thanksgiving Dinner to plan. Getting part of house painted. Need to make chocolate pilgrim hats. Bible Study to do. Two kids... under 3.5... boys. Husband has huge deadline with overtime. Don't even mention Christmas shopping.

Are you with me, peeps??
Gotta go!!!!

3 friends had a thing or two to say...:

Christine said...

Our work never ends...enjoy every bit of it! Hugs and God Bless your day! =O)

Jessica said...

I hear ya! I have sat down to do a new post today several times and I keep getting pulled away by mommy duties!

Flamingo said...

you have no idea how much i understand. ;)

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