Sunday, January 30, 2011

My man.

He is handsome.
He is kind.
He is generous. so generous.
He is filled with compassion that simply translates to action.
He is not a man of lots of words...
But what he says is wise.
He shows his love through acts of service.
He knows all kinds of mathematical equations off of the top of his head; which I think is cool.
He is an amazing father. The kind who comes home from work to play with his kids, never with the TV remote or the newspaper.
And if I am busy with something, he asks me "What can I do for you, baby?"
He loves the Lord, and is unswerving in his faith.
He has the highest standard of moral code. Never cheating. Never compromising.
He is loyal.
He has the best laugh. And it is one of my favorite sounds in the world.
He has "smiling" eyes.
He is ever faithful in prayer. If he tells you he will be praying for you, he will.
He has the kind of work-ethic that this country was built on.
He is witty.
with my man,
What you see is what you get. A devoted, loving father who loves the Lord and works hard and laughs hard.
Just ask anyone who knows him.

God gave me this amazing man, despite myself. And every day with him is a day that I am further blessed.

Happy Birthday, honey. I love you. Toujours.

3 friends had a thing or two to say...:

Linda said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the wonderful man you are describing! Sounds like you are truly blessed Darlene.


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to your amazing man! Love your heart and can so feel your love for him through every word you shared!!

Blessed by you!

Jenny said...

Happy Birthday to your precious hubby!!!

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