Monday, December 13, 2010

Must Have: A wise mother joining you for tea

I have to recommend these two amazing books to you. I am pouring over every word of them right now, and they are like sweet manna to a mommy's heart. I promise you will love them.

Reading a Sally Clarkson book is like sitting with a wise mother and mentor, and having her lovingly encourage you to make wise choices as a parent. "The Ministry of Motherhood" has me realigning my priorities, and changing my own images of the purpose of mothering. "The Seasons of a Mother's Heart" is a treasure of encouragement and offers inspiring examples of fruitful mothering, as well as including extra special encouragement for the homeschooling mother.

I cannot tell you what a treasure these two books have been to me:

1 friends had a thing or two to say...:

Stacy@hiswaynotmine said...

Thanks Darlene...I always love a good God-centered book, especially one on motherhood. There's always more to learn, isn't there!!

Looking forward to checking these out.

Much love today,

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