Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Must Have: The True Story of Saint Nick

This year, we gave the boys an amazing book from The Voice of the Martyrs. It is the true story of Nicholas of Myra, who is now known to us as Saint Nicholas. I highly recommend this book! (grab it now. It is on sale!)

Did you know that Nicholas was tortured for Christ?
actually did sneak into a house in the middle of the night?
was spared from a storm at sea?
was made Bishop in response to a prayer?
lost his Bishop's 'crown' for standing up for our Lord?

Our boys love the book! We have been getting multiple requests for lots of re-reading.

And clearly, they love Saint Nick:

1 friends had a thing or two to say...:

Mindy said...

Wow! What a really neat book and story/lesson to tell your children! Hopefully, with this knowledge, they'll view St. Nick (Santa) as a fellow believer and strong supporter of Christ rather than a nice old man who gives gifts. How nice that Santa and Jesus (the two biggest figures at Christmastime) are connected, rather than in competition with each other for the limelight. Thanks for sharing!

Sponsor a child in Jesus' name.