Monday, September 27, 2010

Must Have: Bread Maker. My new favorite toy

Ever use a bread maker?
This is my new Must Have!!!

ok. so if you are a purist... you may poo-poo my new favorite toy.
If you are a lady who never made her own bread...
or, seriously, you don't have the time to beat your flour to a pulp...
this thing is awesome.

If you have one in your cabinet,
pull it out, my friends.

The time has come for yummy, really inexpensive, melt-in-your-mouth, fresh
homemade bread.

{oh. and try this recipe. I adapt it by replacing some of the white flour with 1 3/4 whole wheat flour. I also use honey, and I don't use the double rise... it deflated on me. but never fear. It still tasted delicious and we ate it all without a gripe.}

{oh again. For more Must Haves, click here. And to shop some of my favorite Must Haves, click here. Girl's gotta do her share of bread-winning, ya know.}

1 friends had a thing or two to say...:

Knocker Boys said...

I love my bread machine but hate getting the bread out when I bake it in there... So, I use it for the dough, and then I take it out and bake it in a loaf pan in the oven. Is it a waste to only use the dough function?

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