Christmas is a delightful assault to the senses. Everywhere you look, there are beautiful things to be seen, smelled, heard, and felt. Joye over at The Joyeful Journey is taking time to celebrate the delights of this season of senses, and she inspired me to share my own Christmas posts.
As this Christmas approaches, I find myself very mindful of the thought "What makes the season of Advent and Christmas so special?" - as opposed to other beautiful celebrations on the church calendar. Maybe it is because we have our precious Russian exchange daughter with us this year that I am thinking on these things. As I think on this question, simple words come to mind...
The Words of Christmas.
and the first word that comes to mind?
No one can explain why God gave His one and only... for us.
No one can explain why the site of a Christmas tree takes our breath away.
No one can explain the look on the children's faces as they take in all the joy.
It is a wonder.
9 friends had a thing or two to say...:
A perfect illustration of the Lord's inexpressible joy! I LOVE seeing it through my children's eyes as well.
Love it Darlene!
Your tree is full of beauty and certainly would cause any child to wonder!!!
Wishing you and your beautiful family His everlasting love, joy, hope and peace this holiday season!
Hi there! I've happened upon your blog via Lelia's.
This is such a great post! I especially love the first picture of your son at the Christmas Tree. Priceless!
Normally, we just celebrate Christmas, but this year we are including Advent into our Christmas tradition. Honestly, we've never celebrated Advent out of pure ignorance. I'm so glad we now understand what it means and how it prepares us for Christmas.
Prayers and blessings,
Oh this is just beautiful! Your pictures are so gorgeous, Darlene!! I especially love the first one! Are those dried orange slices on your tree? What a great idea! Not only is your tree beautiful, I bet it smells delightful, too!
Thanks so much for sharing your Christmas pictures with us!
I love this post - and your pictures are fantastic! :-) beautiful tree and beautiful words!
What a beautiful tree and such gorgeous pictures.
Amen, sister!
Very very sweet and the pictures capture, "Wonder", deliciously.
Higher Grounds
I love the first picture of Caleb ... so sweet! I also love this post ... you have captured what is so special about Christmas with one word!
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