So. It is truly here.
You are two. Such a big boy.
Two seems like an age when you say goodbye to the baby, and hello to the little toddler... the little preschool age child.
And I can hardly believe that it is here! Christian, you are such a special little boy!!!!!!! And Mommy and Daddy and Caleb love you soooooooooooooo much. And Agniya does too!!!
Just look at this smile: You are such an angel. A soft-spoken, stubborn, sweet, happy, silly, determined, tantrum-throwing, smiling, super-big-cheeked guy. How can you be soft-spoken in this family???? But when you want to throw a fit, you are like a huge thunder storm :)
You love trains. You love blankies. You love Caboo (Caleb). You love your Anan (Agniya). You love Mymee and Dat. And you love hot dogs (horror of horrors). and choggo (chocolate). You LOVE to eat about 7 pancakes at a time.
You really like to eat.You are SOOOOO cute. And you smell like a baby still. And you have sweet warm soft baby skin that I wish could stay that way forever!
Things you like to say:
"Buntz" = condiments of any kinds from syrup to mustard, bbq sauce, etc.
"Hopcpt'h" = Helicopter
"Es o no" = yes or no
"Tek turns?" = Take turns? (a suggestion; when he wants a toy his brother has)
"Privet"= Privet, 'hello' in Russian.
5 friends had a thing or two to say...:
What a little heartbreaker! He is so cute! I still remembering meeting you for the first time at Flamingo Mama's yard sale and Christian was in a baby carrier .. time just flies by so fast! He is such a little boy, and I love all the fun pics of him. The grey and red striped coat is adorable. Happy Birthday Christian! So, how are you celebrating? I know you throw awesome birthday parties!
Happy Birthday!
Oh, he really is the sweetest thing. That little smile just makes my heart happy. :)
Happy Birthday to your sweet little one! They grow way too fast...
Awh...HAPPY BIRHTDAY indeed! He's such a little cutie.
I LOVE seeing pictures of your!!
Blessings my friend. :-)
holy cow! he's 2?! wow...time does certainly fly! he's a heart throb. if he's into the "older woman", i have 2 cuties over here:)
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