You might have asked how I can so easily and happily allow my children to do this:Let me introduce you to yet another Must Have in our household:
I'm tellin' ya. This stuff really works {And it does not ruin my clothes}. So, if you don't have a fool-proof stain secret, then I recommend Shout Triple Action as a Must Have:
spill the beans.
6 friends had a thing or two to say...:
Stain removers are wonderful, aren't they! I actually wrote an entire post on laundry tips and tricks a while back:
Dreft Stain Remover!!!!! You can usually find it in the baby section and it can be used on ANYTHING. I have yet to find a stain it doesn't work on. In fact someone gave me a bunch of hand me down clothes once and some of the shirts had stains from, literally, YEARS before. Dreft took them right out!!! Just spray, lightly rub, and let it sit for a little bit before washing and voila!
Oh the joys of little boys...your pictures brought back some SWEET memories for this Mamma.
Enjoy this time...soon they will be 17...driving away in your to work...and preparing for their Senior year of H.S. Oppss....sorry..this is my reality! lol :-)
I agree - and with little boys I need all the stain removal help I can get!
i don't care if I had to throw the clothes away...they so deserve the joy of the puddle.
i actually use ECOS stain remover and LOVE it and I had a Tide Spin brush, which you can't find anywhere these rubs the stain remover in and gets it out good.
Hi! I'm Stacey from New Jersey, and stumbled onto your blog for Sophieshop08.....Love your tips and decorating sense!! Have you ever tried the Oxy-clean stain remover? I used shout for so many years and a good friend of my introduced me to this and I would say it works better! I can't believe I am saying this b/c I loved shout!! I have 2 little ones and 3rd on the way and It gets out so many of my little boy shirts!! My little girls isn't as messy but it seems to even get out red fruit punch and coffee!! I just thought I would share!! Thanks for posting all of your tricks!
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