Sunday, May 17, 2009

An explanation

Well, I guess telling you that everyone is ok was not enough?? You darling things are so sweet, and from your comments I can tell that you are a genuinely concerned bunch.

I will keep the details out since it is not my story to tell... and I certainly would not want to embarrass her in any way:
My sister fell and got a concussion and big time bruises. We called the ambulance because she was slipping in and out of consciousness a lot. She is perfectly fine now. the poor thing.

Thanks for your prayers!

3 friends had a thing or two to say...:

Unknown said...

Thank God she is OK!

Praying for continued healing!

Hugs and love,

Jenny said...

I'm glad your sister is ok.

Tessa said...

Glad to hear that all is well. You scared me! :)

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