I pray that you know about the organization Compassion Internationl. If not...... oh, but you must learn more!!! Visit Compassion.com to learn about how you can bless the life of a child in poverty.
But have you seen this from Compassion?

What a fantastic tool for exposing your children to the joys of giving!!!
For a great discription of this great new kid's website from Compassion, click here to go to the post on Compassion's blog.Go check it out!!
5 friends had a thing or two to say...:
i love this new tool too!
i just sat with the kids today and wrote our compassion children their letters.
i can't wait to play with the kids on this program! what a great idea on their part!
hugs and lots of love,
how neat. I have been talking to hubs about sponsoring a child. I think we need to.
Great to know about the new tool. We sponser a boy through Compassion. He writes me THE most amamzing letters! He prays for us and is on fire for Jesus!
Thanks for spreading the word about Compassion!
We sponsor two children through Compassion. It's a great organization.
Just to let you know, I left you a little blog award at my blog just to show you I enjoy your blog!
Dana :)
Oh how cool!!!!!!
We love Compassion!!
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