Thursday, March 12, 2009


I have no official word on my friend that I mentioned below. I am so sorry to keep you, my friends in prayer, waiting. There is hope on the horizon for this precious mother. Keep praying!!!

***also. the pics of the beautiful ;) babies below are of my children. The top 3 are Christian, and the bottom 3 are Caleb. How precious babies are!!!****

6 friends had a thing or two to say...:

Mindy said...

You got it.

Room to Think said...

With you...

The baby is absolutely gorgeous, may I ask who he or she belongs to? Sorry, I'm a bit lost with what's going on but will keep praying.

He & Me + 3 said...


LisaShaw said...

I'm continuing to pray.

Jenny said...

I'll keep her and the baby in my thoughts and prayers.

Room to Think- the baby looks like her son.

Anonymous said...

It is an honor to pray for her and the precious child she is carrying.

Sponsor a child in Jesus' name.