Sunday, June 8, 2008

Lucky Cat

our much loved kitty cat, Oct 1995 - June 2008

My sweet kitty cat passed away on Monday, and I just wanted to post some pictures as a small tribute to his life. He made us laugh a lot! We rescued him when I was in college, and he became my 'firstborn child.' He has been my boy as long as my husband has!
Cute things about Lucky:
He came if you called his name, like a dog would.
He always slept next to me.
He LOVED to be slammed down on the bed by my husband; and he would always run back to him for more more more. (I know that sounds crazy, but it is true!!!!!!)
He ate, and played with, window blinds at 4 am.
He would faithfully massage my face and sinuses for up to 20 minutes with his paws!
He loved Christmas trees, and once turned on the lights for us.
He hid under the Christmas tree to die.
We will miss you Lucky.

1 friends had a thing or two to say...:

lifelaughterchaos said...

I am so sorry to hear about Lucky...he always brought the best sneezes out in me;)

Perhaps Lucky is now resting in peace with Swimmy #3.

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