Thursday, June 19, 2008

I need chocolate

Ok, people.
Can I just complain about something for a second?

I HATE hormones!!!! They have the power to rule my brain. They take over the very sane, logical, sweet, charmer that I am......normally. right?
Even though I have no logical reason to be tired........ I am.
Even though I have no logical reason to be anxious...... I am.
Even though I have no logical reason to be short with my loved ones.... I am.
Even though I have no logical reason to want to borrow a bulldozer... or maybe a tank.... I do!!

Tell me. Do you ever sit and cry? I mean, WEEP, people. And the entire time, you are just thinking in your head: "what is your problem, woman. You have NO earthly thing you should be crying about at the moment." Or, is that just me???

I want fattening volumes of chocolate, too. *sigh* You would think that my bloated, post-partumness would discourage me... *sigh*

Allright, friends. Thanks for talking me down off the ledge.
I am off to go stomp on something.

2 friends had a thing or two to say...:

Rachel said...

Ok Darlene.....I am NOT alone...awesome! I sometimes think I am the only one with these issues. Nice to know that I am not. So....go have some chocolate and I will do the same! :)

lifelaughterchaos said...

oh girl you have no idea. my hormonal issues were so strong this week. i just wanted to crawl into the fetal position.

we must share hormones through our blogs!

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