Thursday, December 2, 2010

Did you know all of these facts? I didn't.

Watch and learn and then spread the truth-pandemic.
Maybe you didn't know all of these facts either.

Thanks to Angel, for sharing this great link.

2 friends had a thing or two to say...:

Tracey said...

This video is so well done and needed, thanks for sharing it with us.

Laura said...

D! This is awesome. What a great educational tool. Thank you for sharing this with us.

I hope you have been well. I see you have been busy--you creative, rockin' mamma! I miss a lot of my old bloggy friends. Since I"ve been working for theHighCalling, I have to invest a lot of time in that community.

I wish there was more time in a day! Advent blessings to you, sweet friend.

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