Saturday, November 27, 2010

Getting Ready

Today we nearly made a fatal error.

I am not sure what was overtaking us, but at first it seemed to make sense.

My hubby needed new slacks.
We were driving RIGHT past the Banana Republic Outlet on our way home from my sister's.
He could just run in, and grab a few in his size.
We would save time, and gas.

I am not sure what we were thinking we would find at the Outlets the weekend after Thanksgiving.
Probably because we don't usually partake in Black Friday festivities.

{just learned that it is called Black Friday because it is the weekend that retailers finally get their accounts 'in the Black.' duh. It made sense all along! Thanks for the info, Uncle Dan. Maybe you guys knew that already......}

anywho. Like I said, we thought it was a brilliant idea.
We were wrong.

We spent 30 minutes at the outlets: 10 minutes to get into the parking lot. 20 minutes stuck in the parking lot. and 10 minutes getting out of the parking lot.

{Why in the world do people do this? every year? really?? If you are one of the amazing people that brave this shopping weekend.... I gotta know the lure!}

This is how some people get ready for Christmas, I guess. No, actually, at the Outlets it seemed as if this is how EVERYONE but us gets ready for Christmas.
For many it is the main way they get ready. For others, it is just a part of the fun and part of their tradition and I seriously admire their stamina.

But at our home, we are getting ready too.
This is how we will be getting ready for Christmas this year:
Hoping to get this amazing Advent wreath.....

{btw: 90% of my shopping is finished after 2 child-free hours at T.J. Maxx last week, plus homemade gifts are in the works. It's those last few gifts that are so hard to find.....wish me luck! hope to be done before December hits...}

3 friends had a thing or two to say...:

Unknown said...

yikes! sounds horrible. i don't understand the need for any of it. there is not one part of the black friday experience that sounds appealing to me.

i'll be praying you can get what you need without ever leaving the house!

hugs and love!

Turquoise Gates said...

I am one of "those people". My sisters-in-love and I do it every year as our major social outing. It is fun - we develop a warplan, maps, spread sheets, through lots of laughter on Thanksgiving evening while the men sit around and browse the tool ads and eat pie. We have an absolute blast, I think because we have turned it into a tradition of it's own. AND we all get our entire list bought on a single day! :-)

Funny thing is, I am the antithesis of a "shopper". I hate shopping! I think I like Black Friday because it seems like one giant comedy to me!

Unknown said...

I'm with you Darlene! I don't shop on Black Friday - and if I have to go to the store, I go to the stores that don't have sales. Ab and I did go to Barnes and Noble for a gift for Jared, but it was deserted (in comparison). Yeah, that's my speed.

Sounds like you learned a lesson - you don't do Black Friday. ha!

Love ya.

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