You can't imagine how wonderful the fragrance is on those two days....
Pine needles and grapefruit linger in the air for two days each year:
Tree Weekend.
On Tree weekend, we get our tree, put it up, decorate it, have reserved family time {!!!!}, and...
We Dry Our Grapefruits.
Dried Citrus Ornament, How-To:
- Start with fresh, blemish free citrus fruits of your choice
- Slice fruits so that you have many round disks of fruit {see photo below}. Discard the ends of fruit that do not reveal full flesh {or toss 'em in your sparkling water glass}.
- Line cookie sheets with aluminum foil {the citrus can ruin your cookie sheets}.
- Place citrus rounds on the cookie sheets.
- In a low heat oven {approx 150 F. Ours will only go down to 170 F}, bake the citrus rounds for most of the day, and maybe even some the next day. Flip the fruit from time to time as you see the top side get dry. Fruit is finished when it is no longer moist to the touch.
- Hook metal ornament hooks into the top of the rind and hang on your tree.
- Fruits look beautiful positioned in front of your tree lights.
With Grapefruit, orange, lemon, and lime ornaments.
Complete with cranberry garland.
Good enough to eat! Hmm. maybe next year.
As for this year, you can check out the grapefruits on our tree, and many of our other Christmas decorations in the post below.
6 friends had a thing or two to say...:
I'm so glad you posted this how-to b/c ever since I saw yours, I've wanted to make them!!
This is WONDERful!
Thanks for posting this - I would love to make some :-) not saying I WILL but I want to!
ps - grapefruit is one of my all-time favorite smells -- I get headaches if things are too floral-y and grapefruit is just right!
thanks for posting this.....I love them...Beautiful.....
Come post your tree pictures on my holiday blog.....for the Holly Bloggy Christmas Bash
Thanks so...much for posting this! I have four grapefruits sitting in the refrigerator right now! I think I will have to make these!
Merry Christmas to you precious family!
those look beautiful! thanks for the idea.
What a unique idea! The grapefruit rounds look beautiful. I love the smell of grapefruit. Thanks for sharing.
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